The project not only responds to the needs of the users, but also adopts ad hoc solutions according to the context in which it fits.

Memory and Context

Each project is developed in a tailor-made manner to meet multiple needs while fully respecting the social, cultural, architectural and environmental characteristics of the context in which it is placed.

Memory and Context

Restauro delle facciate di Palazzo Marino, Milano, Italia - Dontstop Architettura (coordinamento team tecnico) + Progetto CMR (gestione del cantiere e sicurezza) con Andrea Borri Architetti (restauro architettonico) e Arch. Paolo Pecorelli (restauratore).

Bivacco Edoardo Camardella, La Thuile, Italia – Progetto CMR

Flexible projects capable of adapting to the evolution of the place where they are located guarantee the sustainability of interventions from the social, environmental and economic points of view, in order to give rise to a new, more respectful and profitable relationship with the environment.
The future can be built by observing the past, interpreting it with culture and creativity, strategically. Innovate, transforming places and territories, but with a precise awareness of the origins and the direction in which we intend to move.